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neurotitan, Berlin July 2017

“Huellas de la Memoria” (Traces of Remembrance) is a project that fights oblivion by giving to victims of enforced disappearances a face. It specifically aims to raise public awareness of the facts that the actual number of those disappeared is much higher than the 32.000 officially recognised today and that most of these cases go unpunished. “Huellas de la Memoria” displays shoes of family members whose loved ones are victims of enforced disappearances in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Columbia and Argentina. The exhibition thus fraternises these different Latin American nations at the same time as it unites footprints of those who have only recently taken up resistance with footprints of those that have been searching for their children and fighting impunity for years.The footprints of every pair of shoes are traces of the people who wore them: they tell us who they were searching for, where and when their relatives disappeared as well as what the searching and walking meant to them.Black footprints are traces of mourning, signalling that the disappeared have been found dead. Red footprints are traces of relatives who have been murdered because they were searching for their children. Green footprints are traces of those who continue their search, who have not abandoned hope to find their relatives. But then all these footprints continue on their way to keep memory alive, so that the names, stories and lives of those whose whereabouts and fate we do not yet know are yet not forgotten. All these footprints are traces of remembrance searching for justice, blazing trails of hope.

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